Lord knows why the Winter Gloves refer to their high energy, body shaking music as healing/easy listening on myspace. But, hey, irony is hip, cool, fun. Though, with bands just starting out on what promises to be a tremendous career, those who are not in the know will not know the irony. But, no matter. I'm pretty sure this is a band that we'll be hearing about for years to come. At the moment, their 5-6 song repetorie is short, but proud. Every song is gripping, energetic, and sprinkled with enough musically complicated components to warrant it distinct from most of the palp indie-pop out there. This is not your navel-gazing music. When Charles f. lays it on the tambourine, he beats the devil out of it (to quote Bob Ross) and then flings it behind him with wild abandon on to the next. He's clearly the main force behind the band, but he blends well with his equally energetic compatriots. I can't wait for this band to write a few more songs, put out its first album, and get its van and start the revolution. Until then, I'll take what I can get, even if it is just five songs at Quai des Brumes.
Openers Our Book and the Authors was a sweet little duo. This band is also led by the force of one man, Gabriel d'Amour, who sings with his sweet, clear voice as he plays the keyboard, while backed with the computer wizardry of Jean Arod. This duo is much softer than the Winter Gloves, and less frenetic energy. This is more pointed and contained, but somehow a very good pairing as an opener.
These two bands show that the Montreal music scene continues to spill forth talented, listenable, and joyous indie-pop music and are well worth catching as they grow and develop.
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